Rising demand for workplace benefits

Figures released in the latest Bupa Wellbeing Index suggest employees are increasingly seeking security through benefits in a bid to shore up their future in the face of continuing economic uncertainty.

According to the survey of 8,000 UK adults, flexible working (53%) and a company pension scheme (46%) are the most sought-after workplace benefits. However, health insurance was also found to be a highly prized benefit with 39% of employees prioritising it, while a significant minority of respondents also value other core benefits such as employee discounts (36%) and free lunches (25%).

The research also highlighted the key role benefit packages play in attracting and retaining employees. Indeed, over four in ten respondents said good health and wellbeing benefits would increase the likelihood of them staying in their current role, while more than a quarter would feel more valued if their employer provided more benefits to ease the cost-of-living squeeze.

Commenting on the findings, Bupa UK Insurance CEO Alex Perry said, “In challenging economic times, benefits like health insurance are really valued by employees and offer great reassurance. Setting out strong commitments to their employee wellbeing will help UK businesses attract and retain the brightest and best.”