New research commissioned by wellness firm Well lab has found that around three quarters of UK workers are ‘often’ or ‘very often’ distracted at work.
Interestingly, the study suggests that a number of different factors contributed to respondents’ inability to stay on task. Among those commonly cited were office chatter, daydreaming and tiredness.
The research also found that a significant proportion of the workforce is taking time to adjust back to ‘normal’ working life as a result of fallout from the pandemic. In total, just over a third of respondents said that they were finding it even harder to pay attention since returning to the office after a spell working from home.
A Well lab spokesperson said they were not “hugely surprised” by this finding, adding that it “could take a while to sort as people adjust back into working life.” The spokesperson also noted that, when working remotely, some people may have preferred to work “in short bursts of an hour or two then gone to make lunch, do some chores or home schooling before returning for another short period of concentration” and suggested this could be a better approach than simply sitting and working for prolonged hours.